пятница, 13 января 2012 г.


Week 1
In the first week of the 2012 I´ve been twice to the gym already. My coach got sick but I managed on my own because after half a year of doing his programme I have a sufficient knowledge of what to do in the gym. Unfortunately because of a german courses that I am planning to start this month I will be forced to shrink the time in the gym. However I don´t think taht I will have to reject it completely.
Week 2
This week I have been to the hospital. My task there was to arrange the blood test results in the right order and to wipe the shelves. I have been to the gym three times this week - once alone and twice with the coach. In the weekend I was at the library helping the personnel there to arrange the books. As a reward for my work I was invited to the Book fair which should take place in February.
Week 3
Due to the time deficit not that much time was spent on CAS as planned. Only one training was visited. At this training we were playing football as a warm-up and then practised our kickboxing skills in pairs.

Summary: 7 hours activity, 3 hours service, 1 hour creativity

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